Green Frog Cafe

"Living in nature, listening to the rain, Green Frog Cafe, that's where I want to be. The hemlocks are green, the creek is tricklin, there's geese on the pond, the forest sighs. Green Frog Cafe that's where I want to be, home of my soul, spirit of the mountains." Ruminations of Rhona McMahan

Friday, October 29, 2004

Amanda holding Caleb in their room at Long Island College Hospitalm Brooklyn, just about 23 hours after he was born.
Rhona McMahan

Caleb learning to nurse while his happy parents look on, two hours after he was born.
Rhona McMahan

Monday, October 11, 2004

This afternoon I helped Amanda put together the crib. The hangers for the springs were missing, but they are available from a company in Tennessee. We went to the grocery store with Kiva and Maisey, and then we had a cup of tea and talked about parenting and birthings and hopes and dreams. The feeling of intensity as we wait is increasing. I am praying Amanda and her baby.
Rhona McMahan

I was visiting Amanda and Gabe in order to pick up a table they were putting into storage. I asked Amanda to let me take some pictures of her at this point in her pregnancy. This is one of three which I took.
Rhona McMahan

Amanda Lee Zug-Moore on October 9, 2004 at her home in Clionton Hill, Brooklyn. Her baby is expected by October 22. She has almost completed her preparations. She seems to be calm, and eager for her child to be born.
Rhona McMahan